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Evergreen HiTech Shingle Machine--$66,200

Computer controlled shingle machine,

Complete machine with computer spurl control, hydraulic 16/18" to 24" block length selection,

remote touch screen at operator area to make size changes easy, 12 popular sizes,

air operated top jaw lift on linear rails, standard carriage drive,

This is a suitable package if you need an additional machine added to your mill, or if you want

a complete new machine rather than a retrofit package.




This machine not equipped as described

Computer Controlled Shingle--------$28,000      Machine Retro Fit        ( Basic Package )
Computer, touch screen, modified carriage, brackets and mounts.
Mechanically fixed length from 16/18" or 24" block length. 
Mount to existing shingle machine .
This is our lowest priced package suitable if you don't have to change block lengths  and if you don't have to switch between sizes.
You can add expansion packages as needed to customize your machine to your specific

Touch screen mounted in electrical box at back of the machine
Touch screen block length
selection page
Hydraulic package---------------------------$5,750
Add this package to the Machine retro fit basic package for automatic 16/18" to 24" block length adjustment.
You can adjust from 16/18" to 24" length products in approximately 5 seconds.
Comes with all hydraulic components, lines, fittings, cylinders, tank, brackets, etc.
to automate the block length adjustment procedure.
Carriage with hydraulic                    Hydraulic components
components installed
Remote Touch Screen Package---------$1,200
Touch panel mounted in a separate box at the operator area allows for product changes
" on the fly "
This is a good package if you want to change from a specialty product to a coventional product
as the wood quality allows. It changes butt thicknesses between carriage strokes as selected
by the operator. You can select any of the products displayed on the page by simply pushing
the touch screen.
Touch screen remote mount
near operator area for " on
the fly " selection

16/18" selection

Perfection guage up
bottom spurl page
Extra Sizes package------------------------$550
Add extra sizes to either the 16/18" or 24" product selection pages
This package is required if you have a specialty product that you want to produce that is not
one of the 12 standard products.


Substitute Sizes package----------------$300
Substitute sizes to either the 16/18" or 24" product selection pages
This package is handy if you have a specialty product that you want to produce that is not
one of the 12 standard products, and you want to substitute it for a product that is 1 of the
12 standard products that you feel you will never use.


Clipper saw guard kit----------------$3500

Electric over air guard system

Complete computer controlled system that

locks the guard in the up position when not in use,

yet allows full motion while in use.



Clipper saw guard

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